Improve uneven skin texture and reduce deep lines and wrinkles

(02) 6282 1155

Book Your Skin Analysis

If your skin is affected by ageing, acne, acne scarring, sun damage or discolouration, you might feel there isn’t anything you can do about it. But you can reduce the signs of ageing and regain control over the appearance of your skin with chemical skin peels, microdermabrasion and fractionated laser treatments. These treatments can nourish, repair and rebuild the structures of your skin, as they trigger activity of your collagen and elastin making factories – this results in a smoother looking skin, improving skin issues from uneven texture to deeper lines and wrinkles.

About the Treatments

Find out more about our treatments by selecting an option from the drop down menu.

Am I a suitable candidate?

A full comprehensive skin analysis is the best way to determine which treatments will be suitable and most beneficial to your skin type and condition.

The consultation will take approximately one hour with one of our qualified Dermal Clinicians/Dermal Therapists, and the charge for this service is a very worthwhile investment of $100.

During your consultation your Dermal Specialist will:

  • discuss your concerns with you
  • examine and assess the health and current condition of your skin
  • develop a personalised treatment plan including a tailored skin care regime designed to meet your specific concerns, lifestyle and budget.
  • provide an estimate of costs and time required to complete your treatment program

To book your skin analysis consultation please call (02) 6282 1155. For further information you can also email

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To read more about each treatment, click on the drop down menu arrows.

What is a skin peel?

How does a skin peel work?
Peels are designed to gently stimulate activity to nourish, repair and rebuild the structures of the skin. We utilise different peeling agents which vary in strength to treat conditions such as acne, acne scarring, sun damage, discolouration, wrinkles and for general rejuvenation of the skin.

What can I expect from a skin peel treatment?
A mild tingling sensation and warmth can often be felt. This usually subsides within a few minutes of application. The peel is performed by our qualified, experienced Dermal Specialists and can take 30 minutes to 1 hour. The number of peels will depend on the condition of your skin. Generally, we recommended 4 to 6 peels with two to four weeks in between each treatment.

We have a range of peeling agents available and so your Dermal Specialist can tailor a program to suit your skin type and needs.

What preparation do I need for a skin peel?
A strict sun protection and active skin care regime, prescribed by your Dermal Specialist, must be adopted 14 to 28 days prior to undertaking a course of peels. This involves the use of products at home to increase cellular activity and promote even penetration of the peel. A well prepared and supported skin will enhance your treatment results and reduce the likelihood of complications.

You may also need to consider arranging time off work or adjusting social commitments, especially if having a medium depth peel, as the side effects can be more noticeable. Please discuss expectations with your Dermal Specialist.

Is there any post treatment care after a skin peel?
After a peel, you may experience some redness and skin sensitivity that will settle within 24 to 48 hours. For approximately 3 to 7 days following your treatment, you may experience dryness and/or shedding of the skin.

Post Treatment Instructions:

  • Following your treatment do not pick or abrade the treated area, and refrain from any other facial or chemical treatment for 2 weeks, this includes hair colour, perms, facial waxing or depilatory creams.
  • Drink plenty of water for the rest of the day following treatment, due to possible dehydration.
  • Quick warm showers are recommended.
  • Avoid the use of irritants in the area as well as skincare containing Vitamin A (retinol), Hydroxy Acids, talc-based makeup and other exfoliating products until redness has subsided (usually 72 hours).
  • Avoid direct sun exposure for 4 weeks following your procedure.
  • Avoid fake tans and solariums for the duration for your treatments.
  • Ensure sunblock is applied if participating in outdoor activities.
  • Avoid activities that cause excessive perspiration as well as pools, spas and saunas for 48 hours post treatment.
  • Speak to your dermal clinician about the specific post care products available to ensure the best outcome post treatment.

What can I expect regarding results after a skin peel?
The timeframe for results is dependent upon the type of peel you have. Some are immediate whilst others will take a little longer particularly if collagen stimulation is the key.
To maintain results we recommend a peel every 3 months. Peels are best used in conjunction with long term active skincare, prescribed by your Dermal Specialist, to accelerate and enhance results.

What are the risks of skin peels?

  • Some discomfort may be experienced during treatment
  • While not expected, chemical peels can result in redness, swelling, bruising, blistering, crusting, or flaking of the treated area, which may require one to three weeks to heal. Exposure to sunlight must be avoided 6-8 weeks pre & post treatment, this includes tanning beds. Skin infection is a rare possibility whenever a skin procedure is performed. Once the surface has healed, it may be pink or sensitive to the sun for an additional two to four weeks, or longer in some patients. Itching, Irritation and acne breakouts may also occur
  • During the healing process, there is a slight possibility that the treated area can become either lighter or darker in colour compared to the surrounding skin. This is usually temporary, but, on a rare occasion, it may be permanent
  • Scarring is a rare occurrence, but it is a possibility when the skin’s surface is disrupted.

What is the approximate price range?
Our peels range in price from $115 to $250

What is microdermabrasion?

How does microdermabrasion work?
Microdermabrasion is a mechanical exfoliation procedure used for rejuvenation of the face, hands and body. The procedure is performed using our DermaSweep machine to exfoliate and smooth the skin, using a brush-like applicator which sweeps over the skin to exfoliate the topmost layer. The vacuum component of the machine stimulates blood flow, cleans the pores and removes the skin debris. The increased blood flow and stimulation to the skin’s surface encourages collagen formation thus firming and toning the epidermis as well. It can be used as a stand alone treatment or in conjunction with skin and laser/light treatments.

What can I expect from a microdermabrasion treatment?
There is no discomfort associated with the treatment however you may feel the brush and suction as it sweeps over the skin, with a mild ‘sandpaper’ feel, with your Dermal Specialist monitoring your comfort and tolerance.

A well prepared and supported skin will enhance your treatment results and so adopting an active skincare regime, prescribed by your Dermal Specialist, prior to a course of treatments is recommended.

Am I a suitable candidate for microdermabrasion?
Microdermabrasion is not for everyone however considering the DermaSweep is extremely gentle, your Dermal Specialist can often adjust a treatment to suit even the most sensitive of skins

Is there any post treatment care after microdermabrasion?
After microdermabrasion, you may experience some redness and skin sensitivity that will settle within 24 to 48 hours. For approximately 3 to 7 days following your treatment you may experience dryness and/ or shedding of the skin. After this treatment, you may experience some redness and skin sensitivity that will settle within 24 to 48 hours. For approximately 3 to 7 days following your treatment, you may experience dryness and/or shedding of the skin.

Post Treatment Instructions:

  • Following your treatment do not pick or abrade the treated area, and refrain from any other facial or chemical treatment for 2 weeks, this includes hair colour, perms, facial waxing or depilatory creams.
  • Drink plenty of water for the rest of the day following treatment, due to possible dehydration.
  • Quick warm showers are recommended.
  • Avoid the use of irritants in the area as well as skincare containing Vitamin A (retinol), Hydroxy Acids, talc based make up and other exfoliating products until redness has subsided (usually 72 hours).
  • Avoid direct sun exposure for 4 weeks following your procedure.
  • Avoid fake tans and solariums for the duration for your treatments.
  • Ensure sunblock is applied if participating in outdoor activities.
  • Avoid activities that cause excessive perspiration as well as pools, spas and saunas for 48 hours post treatment.
  • Speak to your dermal clinician about the specific post care products available to ensure the best outcome post treatment.

What can I expect regarding results after microdermabrasion?
Microdermabrasion works best when performed as a series of treatments. We recommend a course of 6 treatments, with 2 weeks in between each treatment. Noticeable changes such as smoother, healthier looking skin can be seen after the first treatment however a series of treatments will result in an overall softening and refinement of skin texture, pores, and wrinkles.

Microdermabrasion can often be layered with other treatments to accelerate and enhance results.

What are the risks of microdermabrasion?

  • Some discomfort may be experienced during treatment
  • Microdermabrasion procedures can result in redness, swelling, bruising, crusting, or flaking of the treated area, which may require one to three weeks to heal. Exposure to sunlight must be avoided 6-8 weeks pre and post treatment, this includes tanning beds. Skin infection is a rare possibility whenever a skin procedure is performed. Once the surface has healed, it may be pink or sensitive to the sun for an additional two to four weeks, or longer in some patients. Itching, Irritation and acne breakouts may also occur
  • During the healing process, there is a slight possibility that the treated area can become either lighter or darker in colour compared to the surrounding skin. This is usually temporary, but, on a rare occasion, it may be permanent
  • Scarring is a rare occurrence, but it is a possibility when the skin’s surface is disrupted.

What is the approximate price range for microdermabrasion?
The price for this procedure is $160 per treatment session.

What is dermaplaning (epiblading)

How does dermaplaning (epiblading) work?
Dermaplaning is a non-invasive skin treatment that is sort by many. Using a disposable surgical steel blade applied at a 45-degree angle to the skin and used in a motion that smoothly runs over the skin surface. This treatment removes the downy fine hairs on the face whilst also exfoliating the superficial layer of the skin resulting in bright, smooth, and a glowing finish to the skin. It is a great treatment for those that suffer a lot of fine, fair hairs on the face. Many patients seek this treatment before special events such as weddings and formals, so their makeup goes on flawlessly.

What can I expect from a dermaplaning treatment?
Post dermaplaning the skin maybe sensitive, red and feel dry. This soon settles within 24-48 hrs. The skin is left smoother and brighter than before.

What preparation do I need for dermaplaning?
No preparation is required before a dermaplaning treatment. Sensitive/inflamed skins would be one reason we would not perform this treatment.

Post Treatment Instructions:

  • Following your treatment do not pick or abrade the treated area, and refrain from any other facial or chemical treatment for 2 weeks, this includes hair colour, perms, facial waxing or depilatory creams.
  • Quick warm showers are recommended.
  • Avoid the use of irritants in the area as well as skincare containing Vitamin A (retinol), Hydroxy Acids, talc-based makeup and other exfoliating products until redness has subsided (usually 72 hours).
  • Avoid direct sun exposure for 4 weeks following your procedure.
  • Avoid fake tans and solariums for the duration for your treatments.
  • Ensure sunblock is applied if participating in outdoor activities.
  • Avoid activities that cause excessive perspiration as well as pools, spas and saunas for 48 hours post treatment.
  • Speak to your dermal clinician about the specific post care products available to ensure the best outcome post treatment.

What are the risks of Dermaplaning/epiblading?

  • Some discomfort may be experienced during treatment
  • Dermaplaning procedures can result in redness, swelling, bruising, crusting, or flaking of the treated area, which may require one to three weeks to heal. Exposure to sunlight must be avoided 6-8 weeks pre & post treatment, this includes tanning beds. Skin infection is a rare possibility whenever a skin procedure is performed. Once the surface has healed, it may be pink or sensitive to the sun for an additional two to four weeks, or longer in some patients. Itching, Irritation and acne breakouts may also occur
  • During the healing process, there is a slight possibility that the treated area can become either lighter or darker in colour compared to the surrounding skin. This is usually temporary, but, on a rare occasion, it may be permanent
  • Scarring is a rare occurrence, but it is a possibility when the skin’s surface is disrupted.

What is the approximate price range?
Dermaplaning in clinic is $150 per treatment.

What is LaseMD?

How does LaseMD work?
LaseMD is a fractionated, non-ablative laser procedure that improves the tone and texture of ageing skin by creating microchannels within the skin. These channels allow deep penetration of a customised serum into the skin to help rejuvenate and repair ageing skin. LaseMD is an advanced rejuvenation treatment.

What can I expect from a LaseMD treatment?
A tingling and heat sensation can be felt with the treatment. This sunburn type sensation usually subsides within a few hours after the treatment. LaseMD is performed by our qualified, experienced Dermal Specialists and takes about 30 minutes. The number of treatments will depend on the condition of your skin. Generally we recommended 5 with four weeks in between each treatment.

What preparation do I need for LaseMD?
A strict sun protection and active skin care regime, prescribed by your Dermal Clinician, must be adopted 14 to 28 days prior to undertaking a course of LaseMD. This involves the use of products at home to increase cellular activity within the skin. A well prepared and supported skin will enhance your treatment results and reduce the likelihood of complications.

Is there any post treatment care after LaseMD?
You will experience some redness and swelling post treatment. This will last a few hours to a few days. For approximately 7-14 days following your treatment, you may experience dryness and/or shedding of the skin. The ampoule given to you after your treatment, should be applied morning and night until it is empty.

Post Treatment Instructions:

  • Drink plenty of water for the rest of the day following treatment, due to possible dehydration.
  • Quick warm showers are recommended.
  • Avoid the use of astringents, perfumes, deodorants, scented lotions on the area until redness has subsided.
  • Avoid direct and constant sun exposure for 4 weeks following your procedure.
  • Avoid fake tans and solariums for the duration for your treatments.
  • Ensure sunblock is applied if participating in outdoor activities.
  • Avoid activities that cause excessive perspiration as well as pools, spas and saunas for 48 hours post treatment.
  • Speak to your dermal clinician about the specific post care products available to ensure the best outcome post treatment.
  • Avoid tight clothing in the treated area for 48 hours after your treatment.

What can I expect regarding results after LaseMD?
Changes can be seen after the first treatment with more dramatic results seen after a course of 5. To maintain results we recommend a treatment every 3 to 6 months or another course in 6-12 months.

What are the risks of LaseMD?

  • Some discomfort may be experienced during treatment and a sunburn sensation post treatment – lasting up to a few hours
  • Redness and swelling is common and can last for a few hours to a few days
  • Bruising can occur and may require one to two weeks to subside
  • Pinpoint bleeding/crusting may occur and can last a few hours to a few days
  • Laser procedures can result in redness, swelling, bruising, blistering, crusting, or flaking of the treated area, which may require one to three weeks to heal. Exposure to sunlight must be avoided 6-8 weeks pre and post treatment, this includes tanning beds. Skin infection is a rare possibility whenever a skin procedure is performed. Once the surface has healed, it may be pink or sensitive to the sun for an additional two to four weeks, or longer in some patients. Itching, Irritation and acne breakouts may also occur
  • There is a slight possibility that the treated area can become either hypopigmented (lighter), or hyperpigmented (darker), in colour compared to the surrounding skin. This is usually temporary, but, on a rare occasion, it may be permanent
  • You will experience a sand paper type feeling from around day three, lasting up to 1-2 weeks
  • Scarring is a rare occurrence, but it is a possibility if the skin’s surface is disrupted. To minimise the chances of scarring, it is IMPORTANT that you follow all pre and post-treatment instructions
  • Protective eyewear (shields) will be provided. It is important to keep these shields on at all times during the treatment in order to protect your eyes from accidental laser exposure
  • Treated areas may darken and crusting or flaking can occur for 1 to 3 weeks after treatment.

What is the approximate price range for LaseMD treatment?
The cost for this procedure is $495

My skin felt smooth and clean after treatment and my makeup went on perfectly for my engagement party.


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