Reduce unwanted hair with laser hair removal

(02) 6282 1155

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Here at My Genesis Clinic, we are experienced in laser hair removal. Thanks to the innovation of the LightSheer Duet Laser, and our qualified Dermal Clinicians and Dermal Therapists, we offer the most effective and comfortable hair removal treatment in Canberra. Laser hair removal works by light energy being converted to heat energy causing damage to the hair and its follicle, so that a new hair cannot return. Laser hair removal is a permanent and effective option when performed by the My Genesis team, using specialised equipment that may mean fewer treatments are required.

Tell me about laser hair removal

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How does laser hair removal work?

Laser hair removal works by light energy being converted to heat energy causing damage to the hair and its follicle, so that a new hair cannot return. The LightSheer Duet laser produces a larger beam of highly concentrated light. The light emitted is well absorbed by the pigment (or melanin) located in the hair follicles. During the procedure, the laser pulses for a fraction of a second, allowing the hair to absorb the light and heat up. As it heats up, the hair shaft and bulb are damaged which significantly impedes its ability to re-grow.

The LightSheer’s incredible vacuum suction head delivers the same level of effectiveness without many of the additional products often required. And with the large spot size, the process treats numerous hair follicles simultaneously, making the treatment much faster than traditional laser hair removal alternatives.

My Genesis now offers this leading technology, providing maximum comfort and effectiveness for your laser hair treatment. The difference in speed and comfort of the treatment is incredible (up to 75% faster), as the spot is more than twice the size of traditional lasers. Even better, because it’s faster, it’s cheaper!

Am I a suitable candidate for laser hair removal?

You may be an ideal candidate for laser hair removal if you have dark coarse hair that is darker than your natural skin colour. We rely on the interaction between pigment (colour) in your hair and a light energy source, to engage heating to the point of destruction inside your hair follicle. The darker and more coarse the hair the better the response tends to be.

If the hair is lighter than your natural skin colour it is unlikely you will see a response from treatment. Unfortunately, hairs that are blonde, red, grey and white cannot be successfully treated.

Hair can be removed from all parts of the body including the face, legs, arms, underarms, and back. Sensitive areas like the chest, nipples, and bikini line can also be successfully treated.

You are required to book an initial consultation with one of our Dermal Clinicians or Dermal Therapists, which takes 45 minutes, to determine your suitability, discuss your goals and expectations, explain the procedure and risks, and provide you with information regarding preparation. You will also be given a formal quote valid for 3 months. The cost of the initial consultation is $100, redeemable on treatment sessions booked and taken within 14 days.

If you are a suitable candidate a patch test will be performed with the laser during your initial consultation, allowing 72 hours to determine if there are any issues. The purpose of the patch test is to determine a safe and effective setting of the laser for your skin and hair type and to ensure there are no adverse reactions. If you have not experienced blisters, burns, changes to pigmentation or scarring after 72 hours, you can book in for your treatment sessions.

What can I expect from laser hair removal treatments?

When having laser hair removal done, you may experience a heat related discomfort when the pulse is delivered. In most cases topical anaesthesia or pain medication is not required, however some patients may choose to use it.

Laser hair removal requires multiple treatments, performed at four to six week intervals. Most areas require 4 to 6 treatments (often with 50% reduction seen after your very first treatment) but the exact number of hair removal treatments required for optimal long-term benefits depends on multiple factors – hair thickness, the area treated and your hair’s growth cycle. Not all hairs are actively growing at the same time and actually go through three distinct phases: growth, regression, and resting. Hair removal treatments work by disabling the hair that is principally in the active growth phase at the time of treatment, and all the hairs are not in this phase at the same time.

Treatments are carried out 4 weeks apart on the face and 6-8 weeks on the body.

What preparation do I need for laser hair removal?

We prefer that you shave before attending the clinic for your treatments. This can be done the night before or the day of. The less hair that is on the surface of the skin, the more energy that can be delivered into the follicle, increasing the efficacy.

  • Do not wax, pluck, bleach or have electrolysis for at least one month prior to and for the duration of your treatment program. Hairs may be shaved or trimmed in between treatments as it is vital that there is a hair in the follicle at the time of treatment.
  • It is very important to avoid sun exposure, tanning beds or fake tans prior to and for the duration of your treatment program. It is recommended that you always use a sun block to protect the area, ensuring reapplication every 2 hours if spending time exposed to sunlight.
  • It is recommended that loose clothing be worn on the day of the treatment and for the first 48 hours following treatments.

Learn more about the reasons why your My Genesis booking may need to be postponed.

Is there any post treatment care after laser hair removal?

Immediately following your hair removal treatment, the area may appear a bit red and swollen, similar to waxing. These effects typically last for several hours or less. In very rare instances, blistering may occur. Most people return to normal activity right away.

3-7 days after treatment you may experience what seems to be regrowth of hair. Actually, within 1-3 weeks these hairs will shed as a result of your treatment. Between treatments you should not wax or pluck your hair, but it is ok to shave.

Post Treatment Instructions:

  • Following your treatment do not rub or exfoliate the treated area for at least 48 hours, or until redness and/ or swelling subsides.
  • Drink plenty of water for the rest of the day following treatment, due to possible dehydration.
  • Quick warm showers are recommended.
  • It is best to not use any moisturisers, acid based products, deodorants or prescription products on the area without consultation with your dermal clinician.
  • Apply a SPF15 (or higher) sunscreen to treated area every day, and every two hours if outdoors.
  • Strictly avoid any exposure to sun, tanning beds or fake tans for the duration of the treatments, and 6 to 8 weeks after the last treatment.
  • Avoid fake tans and solariums for the duration for your treatments.
  • Avoid activities that cause excessive perspiration as well as pools, spas and saunas for 48 hours post treatment.
  • For a period of up to 3 weeks after treatment, the hair in the treated area may have the appearance of stubble. This hair will fall out naturally or after gentle exfoliation. Hair that does not fall out or returns has not been treated during the active growth phase and will be treated at subsequent treatment sessions.

What can I expect regarding results from laser hair removal?

On average, 80% permanent reduction is obtained in most areas after only 4-6 treatments and there is often 50% reduction seen after your very first treatment. The exact number of treatments required for optimal long-term benefits depends on multiple factors – hair thickness, the area treated and your hair’s growth cycle. Hair does not necessarily grow at the same rate, going through three distinct phases: growth, regression, and resting.

Laser hair removal risks

  • Some discomfort may be experienced during laser hair removal. This may be minimised with the use of local anaesthetic cream
  • Laser hair removal can result in redness, swelling, blistering, crusting, or flaking of the treated areas, which may require one to three weeks to heal. Exposure to sunlight must be avoided 6-8 weeks pre and post treatment, this includes tanning beds
  • With some laser hair removal, bruising of the treated area may occur. Additionally, there may be some swelling noted. Finally, skin infection is a possibility although rare, whenever a skin procedure is performed
  • During the healing process, there is a slight possibility that the treated area can become either lighter or darker in colour compared to the surrounding skin. This is usually temporary, but, on a rare occasion, it may be permanent
  • Scarring is a rare occurrence, but it is a possibility when the skin’s surface is disrupted
  • Protective eyewear (shields) will be provided. It is important to keep these shields on at all times during the treatment in order to protect your eyes from accidental laser/Light based exposure.

What is the approximate price range for laser hair removal at the My Genesis Clinic?

The price range will vary per treating area, approximately $110 to $400 per session. During your initial consultation, your Dermal Clinician or Dermal Therapist will provide you with information regarding costing and the amount of treatments. You will also be given a formal quote valid for 3 months.

Book Your Consultation

Our qualified team provide a comprehensive range of treatments for complete skin rejuvenation, laser hair removal and non-surgical body sculpting.

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