We cannot wait to see you at the My Genesis Clinic in Canberra, but for your safety, and in consideration of staff and other clients, there are several reasons why we might have to postpone your treatment with your Dermal Specialist or Aesthetic Nurse.
Please check this list to see if there are any issues and contraindications that require you to reschedule your booking. Please refer to our My Genesis Booking Conditions and Terms & Conditions for further information.
Fake Tan & Recent Sun Exposure
For most of our laser treatments, the machine is targeting the pigment (colour) within the skin. With a tan or recently applied fake tan, the pigment within the skin is increased and energy from a laser or IPL system heats it up and increases the risk of collateral damage on the skin such grazing, blisters or burns.
Sun exposure and the application of fake tan is contraindicated 4 weeks before a laser treatment. Talk to your clinician about the best time of year for your treatments, taking into consideration holiday plans.
New Medication
Some medications can impact the way your skin responds to laser and IPL, exfoliating procedures and injectable treatments. Therefore, with every medication you commence, you must keep your Dermal Specialist and Aesthetic Injector informed.
Pregnancy or Breastfeeding
As there have been no conclusive studies on the impact of epidermal skin treatments or intradermal skin injections during pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is the policy of the clinic to not perform treatments during this time.
Upcoming holiday
Due to extended periods outdoors being exposed to the elements, we recommend planning your laser and light-based treatments at least 4 weeks before or after hitting the ski-slopes or tropical sunny holidays.
Long Haul Flight
If you plan to take a long haul flight within the two week period after laser treatment to leg veins, you may need to reschedule or postpone your appointment with My Genesis.
Signs or presence of a cold sore or infections
All treatments will be refused if you present with signs of a cold sore. They are highly contagious and so the risk of spreading or worsening the outbreak is extremely likely. Treatment when an infectious disease is present also puts staff and other clients at risk.
Generally unwell
If you are off work sick or feeling unwell, please do not come into the clinic for treatment. You will find you are significantly more sensitive during this time but it is extremely important that we do not compromise the health of our staff and other clients.
Recent surgery or other treatments to area
Depending on the type of surgery or treatment undertaken generally you will need to wait at 2 to 4 weeks before having treatment in the area. There are some exceptions to this rule, one being Healite. Healite is a therapeutic LED treatment that aides healing and recovery.
Please discuss your questions or concerns further with your Dermal Specialist or Aesthetic Injector. Call the My Genesis Clinic on (02) 6282 1155 or email mygenesis@capsclinic.com.au
Your safety is our highest priority. Carrying out treatments and achieving your result with minimal downtime is our goal.
Our qualified team provide a comprehensive range of treatments for complete skin rejuvenation, laser hair removal and non-surgical body sculpting.