You. You are what makes the My Genesis Clinic in Canberra the skin care professionals that we are today. Established in 1998, Dr Taylor and his team of Dermal Clinicians and Therapists have dedicated themselves to becoming experienced skin care professionals to provide you with the highest quality service that we can. We have created the first program of its kind, designed to layer and sequence non-surgical treatments in a holistic and comprehensive approach to skin rejuvenation.
We have nurtured a team over many years who take great pride in providing professional, personalised care and achieving results for you. Time is taken to consult with you around your skin concerns, without judgement or pressure, to understand what your goals and expectations are. No matter how big or small, each procedure is treated with equal care and monitored from start through to finish.
Our highly professional team are led by Dr Alastair Taylor, a qualified and experienced aesthetic plastic surgeon. Whilst we can offer you a full range of non-surgical dermal treatments, you also have the advantage of being able to transition to quality plastic surgery options if you wish. If you are considering aesthetic surgery, nothing will better prepare your skin or maintain the results for longer, than embarking on a rejuvenation journey with My Genesis.
As an integral part of The CAPS Clinic, our My Genesis Clinic benefits from being located in a clinical setting, where your safety is our priority, and our team can develop a deeper understanding of anatomy and physiology, which enhances the level of care we provide to you.
Our Dermal Clinicians study for four years at Victoria University, completing a Bachelor of Health Science in Dermal Therapies. This provides them with extensive knowledge and skills in wound healing, scarring, pre and post-operative skin care, inflammatory conditions, uneven skin tone and pigmentation, ageing or sun damaged skin and skin conditions such as acne, psoriasis and rosacea.
Outstanding in their industry, our Dermal Clinicians pursue their studies and ongoing professional development to become highly qualified in non-surgical rejuvenation of the skin as well as the safe operation of laser and light based equipment.
Our Aesthetic Nurses are experienced, qualified and receive specialised training, working in consultation with Dr Taylor. As they work with products that are a class of scheduled medications, your initial consultation is done in person with Dr Taylor and one of our Aesthetic Nurses. A script and treatment plan is provided, to achieve natural results and a refreshed, more confident you.
My Genesis Clinic in Canberra has been designed for you. We merge the best of our training, techniques and technology to deliver great results for your skin.
We’re proud to say that our My Genesis Clinic is led by plastic surgeon Dr Alastair Taylor (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery | The Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons). He specialises in plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery, including breast, body and facial surgery. Dr Taylor and his professional team dedicate their time to maintaining the highest standard of professional, discreet and personalised care. At the forefront of all work is the comfort, privacy and safety of our clients.
At My Genesis, our Dermal Clinicians complete a four year Bachelor of Health Science in Dermal Therapies at the Victoria University. This involves extensive training in non-surgical rejuvenation of the skin as well as the safe operation of laser and light based equipment.
Our Dermal Therapists are licensed and highly trained practitioners who specialise in laser and light-based treatments as well as skin treatments.
Our Aesthetic Nurses are Registered Nurses trained in wrinkle reduction products, who work with Dr Taylor to achieve your desired results.
Our highly skilled Aesthetic Nurses can help you with reducing the appearance of wrinkles. With over 80 years of combined experience between them, you’re in good hands.
Dermal Clinicians are skin professionals who have completed a Bachelor of Health Science in Dermal Therapies. This degree has been specifically designed by Victoria University to address the need for qualified and registered training in the area of non-surgical rejuvenation of the skin, as well as to ensure safe operation of laser and light based equipment.
In an unregulated industry, unfortunately, not all ‘practitioners’ have the necessary training to perform treatments in a safe manner. Before undertaking any treatments it is important to enquire – does the practitioner have nationally accredited qualifications from a university or registered training organisation?
Our Dermal Clinicians are proud of their degrees and are sure of their quality service promise.
Our qualified team provide a comprehensive range of treatments for complete skin rejuvenation, laser hair removal and non-surgical body sculpting.