There is a lot of confusion when it comes to laser hair removal. Our Dermal Clinicians/Therapists are highly qualified with skin and laser technology, give you the facts.
Most of your reduction is achieved in the first few treatments.
On average, 80% reduction is achieved after 4-6 sessions. Beyond this point the hairs become significantly lighter and finer, making it more difficult to obtain further results.
Consistency can impact results
Being ‘passed around’ by different operators can compromise results and confidence in your treatment. Continuity with your treatment program is important.
Prices ‘too good to be true’ usually are
With little regulation in place, it is common for untrained operators to obtain cheap equipment, offer enticing prices and produce poor results. Ultimately, you get what you pay for.
Effective treatments can cause some discomfort
There is no effective pain-free machine on the market. For the treatment to be effective it has to generate heat which some clients may find slightly uncomfortable.
There is no permanent laser treatment for blonde hair
It is possible to see a temporary clearance of blonde hair during hair removal however in the long run these hairs will return. In terms of light physics it is not possible to gain permanent hair reduction in hairs with little to no colour. Perfect candidates are those with thick dark hairs.
Clients with blonde, grey or white hairs should consider waxing, plucking, bleaching or electrolysis.
Our qualified team provide a comprehensive range of treatments for complete skin rejuvenation, laser hair removal and non-surgical body sculpting.