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08 Apr 2019 | CAPS Clinic

Brooke’s Dermal Sciences Degree – Part 1

Our amazing trainee Dermal Clinician, Brooke, has an update for us on how she is going with her Bachelor of Dermal Sciences degree at Victoria University in Melbourne. Spoiler alert, she is knocking it out of the park! #highscores Read on to find out what the most enjoyable part has been for her… you might be surprised!

What was the most recent subject about?

First subject was on dermal science pertaining to learning about the bones, muscles, nerves of the face, the circulatory system, cells, and DNA. I am currently doing philosophy in #dermalscience.

What did you enjoy learning the most in that subject?

The most enjoyable part of the last subject was the practical medical lab where I got to see everything I had learnt. I got to look at cells under a microscope and identify muscles, nerves, bones and organs. #humananatomylab

What was the hardest thing about this last subject or studying in general?

The hardest thing about the last subject was remembering everything as we get so much information each lecture.. information overload. Trying to adapt to study life again, juggle being mum, work and study has been a challenge.

What did you learn that was really interesting?

I found seeing the cross section of the skin one amazing part of my studies, I had no idea it was as thick as it was. Anatomy has always interested me.

How will it help you in your Dermal Clinician work?

Anatomy and physiology is important to know when you’re working as a Dermal Clinician. In the degree you learn the science behind the skin and how treatments affect our skin and why we perform these down to the cellular level. At the moment I am learning how to work in an inter-professional practice effectively and how to research areas pertaining to my studies with scientific backing. Everything we do as Dermal Clinicians at the CAPS clinic have strong scientific backing behind them, have under gone extensive trials and have been researched.

I look forward to the following subjects to come in my degree. I have already learnt so much since commencing the course and I look forward to sharing my knowledge as I grow and learn throughout.

Brooke - My Genesis Clinic Canberra

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