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20 Jun 2024 | CAPS Clinic

Kaila’s Dermal Science Degree – Part 5

What were the most recent subjects about?

This is officially my last year of study, which is extremely exciting!

The first unit I started was my independent project and group research. Over the course of the year, we conduct two rounds of research; one individually managed and the other as part of a group effort with 10 members. We had a month to deliberate and choose what subjects we wanted to do for both research projects, presenting both ideas to our supervisor. The independent project gets approved by our supervisor, and the group research awaits cleanser from the ethics committee before we can begin any investigations. I am excited to share how both research projects went at the end of the year.

My most recent unit has been on Skin Management 2, where we thoroughly examined scientific principles and best practices for addressing pigmentation and vasculature skin conditions and disorders. This was approved in a holistic way where we considered various treatment strategies and justification for our selections.

What did you enjoy learning the most?

So far, I have enjoyed the process of developing research ideas and setting a tone for the year with research ideas. I am excited for the diverse range of learning experiences I will gather through both research projects.

With Skin Management 2, I enjoyed the depth of exploration for treating pigmentation and vasculature conditions. The holistic approach taken allowed for a comprehensive understanding of the subject, while justifying treatment selections added depth to the learning process.

What was the hardest thing about these subjects or studying in general?

Coming up with research topics proved to be the most challenging aspect, given the vast array of options available. Working within a group of 10 added another layer of complexity, as reaching a consensus on both the topic and the project’s direction required careful negotiation.

Transitioning to assessments in Skin Management 2 presented its own set of hurdles. The rigorous nature of these evaluations demanded a deep understanding of the pathophysiology behind various skin conditions, including pigmentation and vasculature issues. Piecing together this intricate puzzle in my mind at times was quite a challenge. Furthermore, articulating my reasons for treatment choices within tight assessment deadlines proved to be a significant challenge.

What did you learn that was interesting?

Exploring the intricacies of proper research methodology has been a fascinating journey, despite the considerable amount of information to absorb. Understanding the step-by-step process involved in conducting research has offered valuable insight. Moreover, realising the importance of adhering to rigorous research standards and ethical guidelines has deepened my appreciation for the integrity of the scientific process.

What intrigued me most about Skin Management 2 was the thorough investigation into treating pigmentation and vasculature conditions. The holistic approach we took offered a comprehensive perspective on the subject, allowing for a deeper understanding of the complexities involved. Additionally, the process of justifying our treatment selections added another layer of depth to our learning, challenging us to critically evaluate and apply our knowledge in practical scenarios.

How will these subjects help you as a Dermal Clinician?

Through planning, researching, and conducting both research projects, I’ll develop essential skills in reflecting on my work practices, self-management, and project management. This experience will enhance my ability to work effectively in team settings, showing valuable workplace skills. Additionally, I’ll refine my self-management abilities, enabling me to tackle tasks autonomously and achieve set goals.

Skin Management 2 provides a problem-based learning approach, equipping me with the skills to understand and manage various skin conditions and disorders in real-world scenarios. Through this, I can apply a range of stage-appropriate assessment and management strategies, ensuring effective care in the field. The practical application of knowledge gained in this unit makes it at once relevant and valuable, fostering both intellectual growth and practical skill development. This integration of theory and practice enhances my ability to tackle challenges.

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