‘Photodamage’ aka sun damage, is something that a lot of us encounter here in Australia. Years ago, solariums and sun baking on the beach with coconut oils were a normal thing to do and being tanned was trendy. These days solariums are now banned here in Australia du...
A rhinoplasty can assist in post-traumatic nasal deformity, congenital nasal deformity or features of the nose such as large bulbous tips or a dorsal hump. A Rhinoplasty frequently incorporates a septoplasty to improve nasal deviation, and a turbinectomy to further i...
What is Melasma? Melasma, previously referred to as chloasma, is a pigment condition that affects both females and males, although its occurrence is more frequently seen in females. This skin condition is characterized by irregular brown spots of skin that ...
Acne is an inflammatory condition of the skin that affects pilosebaceous units in the skin. It presents in the form of pustules, nodules, cysts, inflammatory papules, and blackheads. This common skin condition can be caused by several factors which include ...
Due to the prolonged lifespans being seen today, the aging population is growing. It is more desirable than ever to maintain a youthful appearance. Whether it's sun damage or fine lines and wrinkles, the complaint of aging related...
This month we are going to delve deeper into an inflammatory skin condition that we see a lot of in our clinic in Canberra: Rosacea. Rosacea presents itself in different ways and affects people generally after the age of 30. The chronic skin disorder usu...
Skin needling (aka collagen induction therapy) is a minimally invasive procedure performed using a SkinPen - a pen like device with a sterile, disposable cartridge tip containing small needles. These needles cause micro injury to the skin stimulating...
360uv Skin Cancer Clinic specialises in the intervention and treatment of skin cancer.
360UV Skin Cancer Clinic specialises in the prevention of skin cancer. Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in Australia. Skin cancer is a disease of the body’s skin cells caused mainly by cumulative exposure to ultraviol...
Establishing & running a practice is difficult! Fitting out and equipping consulting rooms, finding and managing staff, developing policy and procedures, ensuring compliance and establishing your ...
Want to join our Nursing team? As a nurse at The CAPS Clinic, you will be part of a small, multiskilled group of professionals that work in a happy and collaborative team.
360uv Skin Cancer Clinic specialises in the intervention and treatment of skin cancer. There are two main types of non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC): basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). More seriously, the...
As your health and wellbeing are our priority, Dr Al...
Want to Join Our Incredible Team? We are very proud of the amazing people who work here that make The CAPS Clinic a centre of excellence. We place importance on education, professionalism and collabo...
Our clinics provide a full suite of surgical and non-surgical treatments for complete rejuvenation.