CAPS Clinic Blogs

Keep up to date with the latest research from Canberra's leading aesthetic, plastic and reconstructive clinics.


Treatment | CAPS Clinic

Remove my breast implants

There may come a time when you feel it is time for a change. Breast implants are not for everyone, so if you feel the implants are impeding your day to day life it is time to look at having them removed. If your breast implants have been in for a lengthy period of ti...

Treatment | CAPS Clinic

Reshape my nose

If you want to modify the shape or function of your nose, you might be considering rhinoplasty, or corrective nasal surgery. Rhinoplasty surgery can be performed for many reasons, to correct post traumatic nasal deformity, congenital de...

Treatment | CAPS Clinic

Reduce the signs of ageing on my face

Structural changes occur in the face as the body gets older, including wrinkles and skin laxity creating hollow cheeks and excess skin around the jaw and neck. Facelift surgery can offset the structural changes of ageing. Dr Alastair Taylor (Bachelor of Medicine, Bac...

Treatment | CAPS Clinic

Reduce excess skin around my eyes

Blepharoplasty is the medical term to describe surgery around the eye region, in which excess skin and fat is removed from around the eyes. Both upper and lower blepharoplasty procedures can help reduce the signs of ageing around the eye area. Upper blepharoplasties ...

Treatment | CAPS Clinic

Raise my brow and lift my eyes

Ageing can cause the upper eyelids to appear as though they are coming down to cover your eyes. It may cause problems with visual obstruction. This sagging occurs mostly sideways, across your brow, leading to deepening crows feet lines, and causing your upper eyelid ...

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Privacy Policy

The purpose of The CAPS Clinic’s Privacy Policy is to outline the details of personal information we collect during the course of running our business; how we may use or disclose the personal information collected; and what measures we take to ensure this information...

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About Dr Alastair Taylor

Dr Alastair Taylor (Provider No. MED0001401767) is a highly qualified Specialist Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon with over 25 years experience. He was awarded a Bachelor of Medicine, B...

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From the Pen of Dr Taylor

Keep up to date with the latest research in aesthetic, plastic and reconstructive surgery research and findings.

26 Sep 2018 | Post | CAPS Clinic

Abdominoplasty with Dr Taylor – A Breakthrough Treatment

The abdominoplasty has always been a popular procedure for removing excess skin after weight loss and restructuring the waist.  Yet now, thanks to a breakthrough clinical study and unique approach by

26 Sep 2018 | Post | CAPS Clinic

Contouring breast shape and fullness

By Dr Alastair Taylor (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery | Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons | MED0001401767)     At The CAPS Clinic I often see women requesting firmer, higher and tighter breasts. A Breast Augmentation M...

26 Sep 2018 | Post | CAPS Clinic

What’s involved in a breast reduction?

By Dr Alastair Taylor (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery | Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons | MED0001401767)   Most people think I spend all my time making breasts bigger, but in fact I see as many breast reductions as augmentat...

26 Sep 2018 | Post | CAPS Clinic

Upper Blepharoplasty explained

By Dr Alastair Taylor (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery | Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons | MED0001401767)   The natural process of ageing can cause the skin around your eyes to stretch and droop down and weaken the muscles ar...

26 Sep 2018 | Post | CAPS Clinic

Breast Augmentation – What To Consider

By Dr Alastair Taylor (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery | Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons | MED0001401767)   As a Plastic Surgeon, operating in Canberra for over 25 years, I have often seen the results of surgery that has been...

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All surgical procedures carry risks. Results vary and specific outcomes are not guaranteed. To learn more about the risks of aesthetic surgery visit www.capsclin...

26 Sep 2018 | Post | CAPS My Genesis

Laser Hair Removal: Five Fast Facts

There is a lot of confusion when it comes to laser hair removal. Our Dermal Clinicians/Therapists are highly qualified with skin and laser tec...

26 Sep 2018 | Post | CAPS My Genesis

The Right Way to Clean Your Face

Cleansing your face is the most important first step in achieving healthy, beautiful skin. Using active skin care products can make such a difference but your technique is your secret weapon. Whilst it's a relatively simple process, there are some insider tips we can...

26 Sep 2018 | Post | CAPS My Genesis

Acne – What is it and how do we treat it?

Acne occurs when hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells. It mostly affects the face but can also affect the neck, chest and back. Acne is caused by the following four factors: Oil production Dead skin cells Clo...

26 Sep 2018 | Post | CAPS My Genesis

To Wipe or Not to Wipe?

Those facial wipes you reach for when you just don’t have the time or energy to wash your face could be doing more harm than good. The preservatives used to keep bacteria at bay in pre-moistened wipes have been found to irritate your skin leaving ...

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