From the Pen of Dr Taylor

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26 Sep 2018 | CAPS Clinic

Breast Augmentation – What To Consider

By Dr Alastair Taylor (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery | Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons | MED0001401767)


As a Plastic Surgeon, operating in Canberra for over 25 years, I have often seen the results of surgery that has been undertaken without proper consideration of the risks or possible long term implications.

This is especially the case with breast augmentation surgeries. Breast augmentation is a decision for life and therefore must not be entered into without fully understanding the risks and long term responsibilities.

All surgical procedures carry risks. Results vary and specific outcomes are not guaranteed. To learn more about the risks of aesthetic surgery visit

The top three factors you need to consider before undertaking a breast augmentation are safety, size and shape, and longevity.


Patient safety is the most vital factor when considering breast augmentation.  This type of surgery is increasingly being viewed more like a commodity in the market, with cut prices and the off­er of quick fixes. In reality, this often translates into compromises in the areas of patient safety and curtailed post-operative responsibilities.

A thorough ‘no obligation’ consultation is the key where questions can be asked and addressed with honesty and clarity. This gives you, the patient, a complete picture of your surgeon, the services o­ffered both before, and after, and addresses all the safety aspects.

Consider these questions:

  • Does the outcome of the surgery outweigh your personal health risk?
  • Do you have to compromise your health and safety against the cost?
  • Is the hospital and theatre accredited against the National Safety and Quality Health Standard?
  • Is there a qualified Anaesthetist at your surgery?
  • Does your surgeon hold a Fellowship from the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (FRACS)?
  • Does your surgeon follow the recommended 14-point plan to reduce infection and long term issues with the implant?
  • Does your surgeon o­ffer full post-operative care?


The implant should be chosen from what fits your body shape. Size and shape are very important. Most surgeons will off­er you a range of styles and shapes, which will determine the end result and the look you are after.

In all cases the breasts should never be looked at in isolation, you must also consider the waist, hips and overall body proportioning.

Round vs teardrop, heights and widths should be harmonious with your body measurements.

Saline vs cohesive gel and di­fferent projections and widths will have an eff­ect on the overall look and feel of breast.


Longevity is not something anyone wants to think about when undertaking this surgery but it is also very important!  A cheap surgery can rapidly turn into a very expensive exercise if you have a problem and require revisional surgery.

If you go too big and haven’t had children, you must remember your breasts will change dramatically during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Sport and fitness enthusiasts often find large implants impede their ability to participate and excel in their chosen sport.

However, with the right implant, positioned well and sized to fit your body shape, this will reduce the likelihood of future problems.

Additionally, supporting the breast properly by limiting the time you go braless and wearing a correctly fitted bra will also help.



Learn more about undergoing breast augmentation with Dr Taylor at the CAPS Clinic in Canberra.

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