By Dr Alastair Taylor (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery | Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons | MED0001401767)
The natural process of ageing can cause the skin around your eyes to stretch and droop down and weaken the muscles around the eyes. The upper eyelid can also sag and droop down, which can obstruct your vision.
Upper Blepharoplasty combined with Browlift surgery can reduce and lift the skin around the eyes and the weakened muscles of the eyes and forehead, reducing visual obstruction.
All surgical procedures carry risks. Results vary and specific outcomes are not guaranteed. To learn more about the risks of aesthetic surgery visit www.capsclinic.com.au/capsclinic/plastic-surgery-risks/
What are the benefiÂts of eyelid surgery?
There are many reasons, both functional and aesthetic why people require facial surgery. Your eyes are the focal point of your face and majorly contribute to your facial appearance.
Both an Upper Blepharoplasty and Browlift will change the appearance of the eye area, particularly when performed together. Eyelid surgery will remove those wrinkles from around your eyes and eliminate the excess layers of skin above the eyelids.
Is the procedure covered by Medicare?
If your eyelids are resting on your eyelashes or if the excess skin above the eye is falling low enough to obstruct your vision, a Medicare and therefore a Health Fund rebate is usually granted for an Upper Blepharoplasty.
Browlift surgery is considered aesthetic and therefore does not attract a Medicare or Health Fund rebate.
What is involved?
An Upper Blepharoplasty is performed by simply removing the sagging eyelid skin, giving the eye more exposure. However, in some cases, this procedure does not provide a long term solution as the heaviness is a result of general ageing across the forehead.
This results in the descent of the eyebrows onto the eyelid which can sometimes obscure the upper lids either partially or fully.
A Browlift gently pulls the brow up to a higher position. This repositioning of the eyebrows restores balance to the face, improves lateral crow’s feet lines and produces an aesthetic upper eyelid contour.
Will I need to stay overnight in hospital?
Browlifts are performed under a general anaesthetic and patients remain overnight in Sole’vita Surgery, our private hospital here in Canberra, where our nursing team can monitor them in recovery and provide the appropriate medical support.
No matter what type of surgery you end up undertaking the recovery from facial surgery is the same, as the main issue is bruising and swelling.
If you are considering facial surgery or are experiencing difficulties regarding visual obstruction or appearance of the eyes, but do not want the cost and down time involved with a facelift, arrange a non-committal consultation with a FRACS (Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons)-qualified Surgeon to discuss optimal treatment solutions.
Your surgeon is there to guide and advise of all aspects of the surgery to enable you to make an informed choice.